
Install distrandomizer

  1. First you will need to install the Centrifuge modding framework. There’s already an install guide for Centrifuge so I’ll just link to it here. Follow that for guidance.
  2. You will also need to install the Distance GSL for Centrifuge.
    1. Download the latest version of the GSL from the releases page.
    2. In the Centrifuge.Distance.zip archive you download, copy the Centrifuge/GameSupport/Centrifuge.Distance.dll file to the Distance/Distance_Data/Centrifuge/GameSupport directory.
  3. Next you can install the Distance Randomizer plugin itself.
    1. Download the latest version of the Randomizer mod here.
    2. Extract the DistanceRando folder inside of DistanceRando-[version].zip to the Distance/Distance_Data/Centrifuge/Mods directory.
  4. You should be done. Run the game, press R on the main menu, enter a seed, then start on Instantiation to begin your randomzied adventures.