
distrandomizer banner

The Distance Adventure Randomizer is a mod for Distance that shuffles all the maps and abilities in Adventure mode into a random order for a unique playthrough each time! You may have to use some out of the box methods to complete maps as you’ll likely have less abilities than you’d normally have, so completing the game like this can certainly be… interesting.

Please note: The randomizer is still somewhat experimental and some things may require further testing and experimentation. What’s available right now is mostly an early alpha build of what I currently see as being the “default” experience, although I do intend to implement more settings (such as potentailly an easier logic mode) to allow for further tweaking based on player preference.

If you find any bugs or other issues, please report them on issues page!

Go here to download the latest version of mod!

Differences to the normal Adventure mode

* (With the exception of Enemy and Credits, which will always appear last and in that order.)

Demo video

How to play

In order to play randomizer games you will need to install the plugin, as well as the Centrifuge modding system. Please see the install page for instructions on how to do this if you’re not sure.

Once you have installed Centrifuge and the randomizer plugin, you’re ready to go. Press R on the main menu to open up the seed entry prompt. You can either use a specific seed, or leave the field blank to generate a random seed. If you’re doing a race, I’d recommend making everybody use the same seed to keep things fair. Once you’ve entered the seed you want, press Enter - this will set the seed and prime randomizer.

If you have the speedrun timer enabled, the hash of the randomizer seed will be displayed in the top right corner of the screen once you have enabled the randomizer; you can also view the randomizer version and seed hash by pressing R again after entering a seed. This hash value can be used to confirm that all players in a randomized race will get the same game.

Once you’re ready to start the game, go into the Adventure menu and start from Instantiation. The rando game will then be generated, allowing you to actually play it. If you decide you don’t want to play rando after all, loading any map except the intro will cancel the rando game.

Obviously, since the abilities are given to you in a random order, you may not be able to complete things in the original way, so you’ll have to use unusual strats to complete some maps. Remember that you can slam your car against walls to shove it off of roads without jump, and note that it’s possible to drive up the arrows on some jump barriers. Sometimes you may get stuck behind a checkpoint; you may need to go backwards to give yourself enough room to pass it. It should be impossible to get totally stuck, but if that ever does happen, make sure you toss an issue my way with that seed so I can see what went wrong.

Skipping ability triggers will still give you the ability you would have gotten in the previous map like the normal game, so don’t be afriad to skip ability triggers in some maps in the interest of saving time.

Other info